Drive type: 8x4
Engine: 257/2100
Cab: TX-M (525MM single bunk)
Rear axle: 16T+16T
Up-body configuration :18-28CBM
Drive type: 8x4
Engine: 257/2100
Cab: TX-M (525MM single bunk)
Rear axle: 16T+16T
Up-body configuration :18-28CBM
Vehicle Model | ZZ3317V286GF1B | |
Engines | Model | WP8.350E62 |
Net power (kw) /speed (r/min) | 257/2100 | |
Maximum torque (Nm) /speed (r/min) | 1400/1200-1600 |
Transmission | HW19712L transmission + HW50 direct coupled extractor |
Clutches(mm) | |
Rear axle model | MCX16ZG Self-aligning arm double rear axle (drum) |
Rear axle speed ratio | 4.8 |
Oil tank(L) | 400 |
Frame section(mm) | 8+4/280 |
Suspension (front and rear springs) | Front and Rear Standard Multi-Leaf Springs (7/7/10) |
Tires | 11.00R20 (Mixed Patterns) |
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